Executive Coaching for YOU

For Business Owners & Entrepreneurs

Executive Coaching for YOU

For Business Owners & Entrepreneurs

Executive Self-Health Coaching for YOU

Are you a busy executive feeling pressure to lead with a combination of efficiency and emotional intelligence? Do you want to see immediate and sustainable results in your leadership style? Patty Durell’s executive coaching program takes a holistic approach, focusing not only on increasing your emotional intelligence and resilience but also on developing your interpersonal skills.

This level of personalized attention allows you to achieve measurable progress in record time. And it’s not just one-on-one coaching – Patty offers group workshops and online courses tailored to your specific needs as a leader. Transform your SELF and watch as you impact those around you in the most positive ways. Invest in yourself to invest in your team.

The 4 Keys to Optimal Health – The Under-Acknowledged Truth About What It Takes To Be Your Best Self for Your Team, Your Family and YOU!

When it comes to our health and well-being, the first step is often the hardest. We may feel guilty for putting ourselves first, or unsure of where to begin on our journey toward optimal health. But by acknowledging and incorporating the four keys to success – physical activity, nutrition, stress management, and sleep (and happiness!),  YOU can not only improve YOUR own life but also benefit those around you.

As a leader, prioritizing your own self-care sets a positive example for your employees and improves workplace morale. Taking care of yourself physically and mentally allows you to be more present in all aspects of your life—for your family, friends, colleagues, and most importantly, yourself. So let’s get started on creating individualized plans for incorporating these four keys into our daily lives and start living our best lives today.

In this interactive workshop format, we get right to work on creating individual ideas, action items, and small achievable goals specific to YOU!

You will learn:

  • What the 4 keys to optimal health (& happiness) are
  • How to use the 80/20 rule with the 4 keys
  • Simple “What Next” tools for you to implement immediately
  • How to forgive yourself for not being perfect
  • And much, much more

*This can be a 2-hour workshop class/session, or a 1-hour educational talk.

Creating A Winning Culture – How To Find The Right Team and Protect Your Culture 

“First Who, Then What” – Jim Collins

As a business owner, you know that having the right team and protecting your culture are crucial components to success. But how do you go about finding the right people and ensuring they align with your values? It all starts with defining and clearly communicating your core values. With a strong foundation in place, you can then incorporate them into all aspects of the hiring process, from interviews to onboarding.

This will ensure you attract the right individuals who will not only thrive in your company culture but also contribute to its growth and sustainability. Remember, it’s not about filling gaps or just getting some extra help – it’s about finding people who share your vision and values. By taking the time to cultivate a winning culture from the start, you set yourself up for long-term success as a united team.

What you will learn:

  • How to define your core values so you can create the culture you are striving for
  • Create your litmus test for hiring the right people
  • A simple process for analyzing and evaluating your team that will guarantee a culture fit
  • How to have productive meetings for accountability
  • And much, much more

This can be a 2-hour workshop class/session, or a 1-hour educational talk.

The 6 Key Drivers to Success – Simple (but Not Always Easy) Steps to Personal Happiness


Have you ever found yourself wondering why you work so hard but still feel unfulfilled and unhappy? Success in business is undeniably important, but true happiness lies in finding a balance between your professional and personal life.

In this interactive workshop, we’ll discuss the key drivers to achieving both success and happiness. We’ll talk about the importance of creating a vision for your life and connecting with your passion, as well as the impact of surrounding yourself with the right people and aligning with your core values.

We’ll also discuss two additional drivers – taking care of yourself and investing in the happiness of those around you, like your employees – to create lasting personal fulfillment. Join us to learn simple (though not always easy) steps toward a happy and successful life.

When done in a 3-hour workshop/educational format, we get right to work on creating individual ideas, action items, and small achievable goals specific to YOU!

When done in a 5-hour workshop format, we get right to work on completing the 6 components worksheets. As we all know, once we get home,  we will likely not follow through.

You will learn: 

  • The workplace performance benefits of healthy habits
  • How to be a better leader and help your team be better coworkers through self-compassion
  • A new paradigm from which to view success in business and happiness in yourself
  • The cornerstones to a successful culture and a joyful life
  • Six key drivers we use in business and how to transfer them to home
  • How to create a personalized plan for each of the six components (worksheets provided and initiated and/or completed on-site)
  • Specific take-home strategies for immediate implementation for you and your team

*This can be a 2-hour workshop class/session, or a 1-hour educational talk.

The Four Keys to Optimal Health – The Under-Acknowledged Truth About What It Takes To Be Your Best Self for Your Team, Your Family and YOU!

When it comes to our health and well-being, the first step is often the hardest. We may feel guilty for putting ourselves first, or unsure of where to begin on our journey toward optimal health. But by acknowledging and incorporating the four keys to success – physical activity, nutrition, stress management, and sleep (and happiness!),  YOU can not only improve YOUR own life but also benefit those around you.

As a leader, prioritizing your own self-care sets a positive example for your employees and improves workplace morale. Taking care of yourself physically and mentally allows you to be more present in all aspects of your life—for your family, friends, colleagues, and most importantly, yourself. So let’s get started on creating individualized plans for incorporating these four keys into our daily lives and start living our best lives today.

In this interactive workshop format, we get right to work on creating individual ideas, action items, and small achievable goals specific to YOU!

You will learn:

  • What the 4 keys to optimal health (& happiness) are
  • How to use the 80/20 rule with the 4 keys
  • Simple “What Next” tools for you to implement immediately
  • How to forgive yourself for not being perfect
  • And much, much more

*This can be a 2-hour workshop class/session, or a 1-hour educational talk.

Creating A Winning Culture – How To Find The Right Team and Protect Your Culture 

“First Who, Then What” – Jim Collins

As a business owner, you know that having the right team and protecting your culture are crucial components to success. But how do you go about finding the right people and ensuring they align with your values? It all starts with defining and clearly communicating your core values. With a strong foundation in place, you can then incorporate them into all aspects of the hiring process, from interviews to onboarding.

This will ensure you attract the right individuals who will not only thrive in your company culture but also contribute to its growth and sustainability. Remember, it’s not about filling gaps or just getting some extra help – it’s about finding people who share your vision and values. By taking the time to cultivate a winning culture from the start, you set yourself up for long-term success as a united team.

What you will learn:

  • How to define your core values so you can create the culture you are striving for
  • Create your litmus test for hiring the right people
  • A simple process for analyzing and evaluating your team that will guarantee a culture fit
  • How to have productive meetings for accountability
  • And much, much more

This can be a 2-hour workshop class/session, or a 1-hour educational talk.

The 6 Key Drivers to Success – Simple (but Not Always Easy) Steps to Personal Happiness


Have you ever found yourself wondering why you work so hard but still feel unfulfilled and unhappy? Success in business is undeniably important, but true happiness lies in finding a balance between your professional and personal life.

In this interactive workshop, we’ll discuss the key drivers to achieving both success and happiness. We’ll talk about the importance of creating a vision for your life and connecting with your passion, as well as the impact of surrounding yourself with the right people and aligning with your core values.

We’ll also discuss two additional drivers – taking care of yourself and investing in the happiness of those around you, like your employees – to create lasting personal fulfillment. Join us to learn simple (though not always easy) steps toward a happy and successful life.

When done in a 3-hour workshop/educational format, we get right to work on creating individual ideas, action items, and small achievable goals specific to YOU!

When done in a 5-hour workshop format, we get right to work on completing the 6 components worksheets. As we all know, once we get home, we won’t get back to it and therefore we will likely not follow through.

You will learn: 

  • The workplace performance benefits of healthy habits
  • How to be a better leader and help your team be better coworkers through self-compassion
  • A new paradigm from which to view success in business and happiness in yourself
  • The cornerstones to a successful culture and a joyful life
  • Six key drivers we use in business and how to transfer them to home
  • How to create a personalized plan for each of the six components (worksheets provided and initiated and/or completed on-site)
  • Specific take-home strategies for immediate implementation for you and your team
  • And much, much more

*This can be a 2-hour workshop class/session, or a 1-hour educational talk.

What Exactly is Self-Health Business Coaching?
Do I really need it?

Self-Health Executive Coaching

Have you ever thought about how you could improve as a leader or how you could guide your employees to achieve their highest potential? Executive business coaching can help you do just that. It involves working with an experienced coach to identify your strengths and weaknesses, set goals, and create strategies for achieving those goals.

It can also involve the coach working directly with your employees to help them develop essential skills and improve team dynamics. It’s important to note that executive coaching is not therapy – it focuses specifically on enhancing performance in the workplace.

So, if you’re looking for ways to become a more effective leader and drive success for yourself and your company, consider exploring executive business coaching.

Do You Need Business Coaching

  • Are you feeling stuck in the day-to-day grind of running your business?
  • Are you unsure how to take it to the next level?
  • Are you feeling overwhelmed trying to juggle all the responsibilities of running a successful business?
  • Are you constantly seeking new strategies and ways to improve but aren’t sure where to start?
  • Are you wondering how you can bring the best out of your employees and create a positive, productive work environment?

 A professional coach can provide personalized guidance and support, helping you identify areas for improvement and develop a plan for growth. They can also offer insight into maximizing communication and productivity within your team.

Executive coaching is all about investing in yourself and your business’s future success. So why not take the next step and see what executive coaching can do for you? It may just be the missing piece you need for continued success.

Don't let making a living prevent you from making a life.

— Coach John Wooden

Contact Patty